C A N T A B R I A   U N I V E R S I T Y
  CASONAS AND PALACES   Casonas y Palaces
Middle Ages
Contemporary Palaces
The Renaissance  
    Inquisitor Corro, hospital. (San Vicente de la Barquera)   In this period, there was a very significant architectural change in Cantabria. Houses, earlier made of wood, started to be built of stone, so that the figure of the stonemason, essential from here onwards, appeared. The stonemasons of Cantabria, and particularly of Trasmiera, were acknowledged throughout Spain for their skill and art in their craft. They started from a very young age as apprentices with a master with whom they set out on journeys through Castile. The names of the stonemasons of Trasmiera are among the most important in the construction of cathedrals, bridges, churches and palaces throughout Spain.

The completely classicist style of the casona, characterised by the perfect classic arrangement in the structure of its façade, first appears in 1553 in the hospital built by the Inquisitor Corro in San Vicente de la Barquera.

The Acebedo Palace in Hoznayo is an excellent Renaissance example. It was the most important building in Cantabria in the early 17th century.

Acebedo Palace (Hoznayo)
A R T I S T I C   H E R I T A G E