
Who are we (contact us)


Old Q0957+561 data & software: 

Optical Monitoring

HST-STIS Spectra

Simple FORTRAN programs to apply the d2 test (accurate and robust time delay measurements)


Postgraduate Course on GL




Workshop 2004



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Who are we (contact us)


(iii)                                   Collaborators


	We collaborate with astronomers at different institutes. At present, there is a 
Spanish program to observe some of the known gravitational lenses with the night 
telescopes available at the Canary Islands and the Calar Alto Observatory. Apart from our 
group, some people working at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias and the 
University of Valencia are involved in that scientific program. 
	We also participate (or participated) in a few international projects. For example, 
several tasks of the "Gravitational Lenses International Time Project" (GLITP) 
were carried out in collaboration with European, American and Australian institutes. Our 
"partners" are (or were):
the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA), 
the University of Liege (Belgium), 
the Astronomical Institute of Kharkov National University (Ukraine), 
the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow University (Russia),
the University of Potsdam (Germany), 
the University of Oslo (Norway) 
Aurora Ullán together with Rolf Stabell & wife (left photo) and Jan Erik Ovaldsen & Rolf Stabell's wife (right photo)
[Oslo, Norway, Autumn 2003].
the University of Sydney (Australia),
and the University of Tokyo (Japan). 
Luis Goicoechea & Atsunori Yonehara [UC, Santander, Spain, Autumn 2004].

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